Invited Speakers
W1- Recent Developments in Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Subsurface Flows
Oganizer: Luiz Felipe F. Pereira – University of Wyoming – USA- Part I
Mohammad Piri - Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering - University of Wyoming, USA - Pore-scale modeling of multiphase flow in porous media: past, present, and future
Benoit Noetinger - Ingénieur de recherché - IFP Energies nouvelles, France Mathematics in the subsurface : managing concepts, data, models and large uncertainties
Victor Ginting - Department of Mathematics - University of Wyoming USA - A Bayesian MCMC for Efficient Uncertainty Quantification in Permeability and Porosity of Reservoir Models
Marcos Mendes - Center for Fundamentals of Subsurface Flow, University of Wyoming USA - A two-phase, three-component model for CO2 injection in brine aquifers
W2- Recent Developments in Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Subsurface Flows
Organizer: Luiz Felipe F. Pereira – University of Wyoming – USA- Part II
Marcio Murad - Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica, Brazil - Coupled Hydro-Geomechanical Modeling of Pre-Salt Reservoirs
Antonio Luiz Serra de Souza - Petroleum Engineer - Senior Consultant - PETROBRAS/CENPES/PDP/GR - Brazil - A Geomechanical Simulation Study Applied to a Campos Basin Field
Marco Cardoso - Petroleum Engineer - Senior Consultant - PETROBRAS/CENPES/PDP/GR - Brazil - Reduced-Order Modeling Procedures for Production Optimization
Felipe Pereira - Center for Fundamentals of Subsurface Flows - University of Wyoming - USA - A Multiscale Mixed Method for Porous Media Flows
W3 - Mathematical Models in Finance
Organizer: José Mario Martínez - University of Campinas - Brazil
Eduardo A. Prado - Itaú –Unibanco – Brazil - Quantitative methods in a large financial institution
Natasa Krejic - University of Novi Sad – Serbia - Optimization Models in Algorithmic Trading
Marcos C. S. Carreira - BMF Bovespa – Brazil - Dynamics of interest rates in Brazil: matrices and trees
Paulo Sérgio Cavalheiro - Banco Safra – Brazil - Basel II - Requirements related to proprietary models in banking
Jorge P. Zubelli - IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Brazil - Investment Decisions under Uncertainty, Real Options and Quantitative Finance
W4 - Math Modeling in Medicine –
Organizer: Sean McKee – Strathclyde University – Scotland
Antonio Fasano - Dipartimento di Matematica U.Dini – Italy - Modelling blood clotting: a review and some perspectives
Sean McKee - University of Strathclyde – UK - Modelling Drug-eluting Stents
Siv Sivaloganathanan - Dept of Applied Mathematics- University of Waterloo – Canada - A Poroelastic Model of Transcapillary Filtration
Brian Sleeman - University of Leeds – UK - Modelling Angiogenesis through Stochastic Differential Equations
Pablo Blanco - LNCC- Brazil - A decomposition approach for heterogeneous modeling in computational hemodynamics
W5 - Mathematical Models in emerging and re-emerging diseases
Organizer: Eduardo Massad – Medical School – USP
Hyun Mo Yang - UNICAMP, Brazil - Mathematical modelling of immune response against Trypanosoma cruzi
Francisco Coutinho – University of São Paulo – Brazil - The effect of the history of the infection within individual host on its propagation in the population
Marcos Amaku – University of São Paulo – Brazil - Modeling the competition between viruses in a complex plant-pathogen system
Eduardo Massad – University of São Paulo – Brazil - Modeling the Efforts to Control Dengue
W6 - Mathematical Methods in Space Dynamics –
Organizer: Sylvio Ferraz Mello - IAG- USP – Brazil
Daniel J. Scheeres - University of Colorado at Boulder – USA - Mathematics in Earth Orbit: The Dynamics of Earth's Artificial Orbital Population
Gerard Gomez - University of Barcelona- Spain - The role of Dynamical Systems in spacecraft mission analysis
Ettore Perozzi - Telespazio, Rome, Italy – Space Manifold Dynamics and Industry: Lunar satellite constellations and low-altitude orbiters around the Moon
Elbert E. N. Macau - INPE, Brazil - Control of Chaos and its Relevancy to Low-Thrust Transfer
W7 - Mathematical Modeling in Aerospace Applications
Organizer: João Luiz F. Azevedo - CTA-IAE – Brazil
Juan J. Alonso - Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA - Design of Low-Boom Supersonic Aircraft with Aerodynamic Performance Considerations
Zhi Jian (ZJ) Wang - Department of Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA - The Development of Adaptive High-Order CFD Methods and Their Applications
Julio Romano Meneghini - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil - The Brazilian Aircraft Initiative: An Aero-acoustic Investigation
William Roberto Wolf - Aerodynamics Division, Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil - Numerical Investigation of Airfoil Self-Noise Generation and Propagation
Luís Carlos de Castro Santos - Simulations & CFD - Systems Engineering, Embraer - São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil - Mathematical Modeling in Systems Engineering
W8 - Modelling of Multiphase Flows –
Organizer: Luis Portela – Delft- Netherlands
Gretar Tryggvason - U. Notre-Dame, USA - Multiscale Issues in DNS of Multiphase Flows
Olivier Simonin - IMFT, France - Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of dilute or dense particle laden unsteady flows
Raad Issa - Imperial College, UK - Mechanistic simulation of the initiation and propagation of intermittent multiphase flow in pipelines
Chris Lawrence - Chief Scientist, Institute for Energy Technology - Norway - One-dimensional multiphase flow models on a coarse grid – theoretical and practical issues
W9 - Math Modeling of New Materials
Organizer: Osni Marques- University of Berkeley
Haroldo Bernardes - UNESP - Ilha Solteira – Brazil - Mathematical Modeling of Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete
Márcio Lima do Nascimento - Universidade Federal do Para, Brazil - Fractals and Scaling Applied to the Mechanics of Materials Math Models
Jean-Luc Fattebert - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - USA, Some Numerical Challenges in Large Scale Simulations of Condensed Matter, from Atomistic to Microstructure Computations
George Fann - Oak Ridge National Laboratory - USA - The Computational Structure and Mathematics of MADNESS
W10 - Stochastic Modeling and Quantification of Uncertainties
Organizer: Rubens Sampaio – PUC-Rio - Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Fernando Rochinha – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil – Uncertainty Quantification in Flow-Structures Interaction
Sergio Bellizzi – CNRS and Vice President LMA- Marseille – France Orthogonal decomposition methods for dynamical analysis of random mechanical systems
Olivier Le Maitre - CNRS – France - Generalized Spectral Decompositions for Computational Fluid Dynamics Models Involving Random Data
Rubens Sampaio – PUC – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil - Drill-string nonlinear dynamics: deterministic and stochastic models.
W11 - Workshop In Math in Industry
Organizer: José Alberto Cuminato –ICMC- USP - Brazil – Part I
To be announced
John Ockendon – Oxford University – Oxford – UK- The Pantograph Equation: a Paradigm for Maths-in-Industry
Jorge Amaya - Centro de Modelamiento Matemático - Universidad de Chile – Chile – Mine Planning: Finding Optimal Sequences of Extraction by Using Mathematical Models and High Performance Computing (HPC)
Graeme Wake - Massey University – Auckland – New Zealand - Modelling of cancer treatment oncologists concerned with treatment, drug companies producing drugs and management of clinics.
W12 - Workshop In Math in Industry -
Organizers: Yuan Jin Yun – UFPR and Haroldo Fraga Filho - INPE – Brazil – Part II
Fredrik Edelvik - Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre - Gothenburg – Sweden - Modeling and Simulation of Coating Processes in Automotive Industry
Amyia Kumar Pani - Indian Institute of Tecnology – Mumbay – India
Javier Tenaris Jetcheverry– Tenaris – Buenos Aires – Argentina- Mathematical modeling for improved non-destructive testing of steel pipes
Hilary Ockendon – Oxford University – UK - How fast can a shock travel in an elastoplastic solid?
W13 - Image Processing and Reconstruction: Models and Methods –
Organizers: Alvaro De Pierro (University of Campinas ) and Elias S. Helou Neto (University of São Paulo) - Brazil
Andrei Bronnikov - Bronnikov Algorithms, The Netherlands - Mathematics of phase-contrast x-ray micro-tomography
Ali Mohammad-Djafari - Directeur de recherche (Senior Researcher), Laboratoire des Signaux e systèmes, Univeristé Paris Sud, France - Sparsity enforcing prior models and Bayesian approach for signal and image reconstruction
Patrick La Riviere - Dept. of Radiology, University of Chicago Medical Center, USA - Virtual x-ray histology using multiple metal stains and multi-energy synchrotron microCT
Russell Luke - Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Göttingen – Germany - Imaging from low-count X-ray diffraction data: variational analysis and algorithms
Emil Sidky - Dept. of Radiology, University of Chicago Medical Center, USA - The role of compressive sensing in iterative image reconstruction for computed tomography
W14- Geometry and Simulation on Microflows and Bioflows
Organizer: Gustavo Buscaglia – ICMC-USP – Brazil
Pedro Morin - IMAL, Univ. Nac. del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina - An adaptive FEM for shape optimization
Miguel Sebastian Pauletti - Texas A&M University, USA - A parametric finite element method for geometric problems: Techniques and applications
Gustavo Buscaglia - ICMC-USP – Brazil – Finite elements for the dynamic simulation of viscous membranes
Marcio S. Carvalho - PUC-Rio, Brazil - Steady state, transient response analysis and optimization of coating processes
General Talks
Sebastián Ceria
AXIOMA – New York - USA
Title: Equity Risk Management and Optimization - A challenging relationship
Dr. Mohammad Piri
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering - University of Wyoming - USA
Title:Three-Phase Relative Permeability in Mixed-Wet Porous Media:Physically-Based Modeling and Experimentation
Jorge Amaya and Jaime San Martín
Center for Mathematical Modeling - Santiago - CHILE
Title: An international unit of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS and associate unit of PARIS VI
Graeme Wake
Centre for Mathematics in Industry - Massey University Auckland - New Zealand
Title: Industrial Mathematics Initiatives in the Southwest Pacific Region
Beresford Parlett
University of California Berkeley - USA
Title: Finding eigenvalue multiplicites with ARPACK
Enrique Zuazua
Scientific Director - BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao - Spain
Tittle: Flow control in the presence of shocks
Gunther Uhlmann
University of Washington, Department of Mathematics - Seattle – USA
Title: Cloaking: Science Meets Science Fiction
Kees Vuik
Director of the Delft Centre for Computational Science and Engineering - Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics - Delft, The Netherlands
Tittle: Mathematics in Industry
John Ockendon
Oxford University - Oxford – UK
Tittle: Study Groups as a vehicle for kick-starting Mathematics-in-Industry