# Finite Difference Solver for a fully-developed flow inside a rectangular # pipe of dimensions Lx and Ly (UNSTEADY VERSION). # A theta-scheme for time discretization leads to the following system: # # (1/dt*Am + theta*Af).W(n+1) = (1/dt*Am - (1-theta)*Af).W(n) + Bp(n+theta) # # W(x,y) is prescribed to zero (Dirichlet boundary conditions) at the four # walls of the cross section: ((0,y),(Lx,y),(x,0),(x,Ly)) # # Author: Gustavo Buscaglia # Last Modification: 08/31/2015 #BEGIN PROBLEM DEFINITION #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Convention used # N2 x x x ... x # . . # . . # . . # 3 x x x ... x # 2 x x x ... x # 1 x x x ... x # # j/i 1 2 3 ... N1 # Global index if(N1 < N2) n = ij2n(i,j) = i + (j-1)*N1 # Global index if(N1 > N2) n = ij2n(i,j) = j + (i-1)*N2 global N1 = 100; #X Direction global N2 = 50; #Y Direction L1 = 2.0; L2 = 1.0; rho = 1.; visc = 1.; #uniform grid spacing dx = L1/(N1-1); dy = L2/(N2-1); #uniform viscosity mu = visc; #temporal integration theta = 0.5; dt = .05; T0 = 0.; NTS = 40; #plotting IP = 2; #timesteps increment for plots NP = NTS+1; #number of stored timesteps #working space nunk = N1*N2; fprintf(stdout, " * PROBLEM DEFINITION DONE -> Unknowns = %d\n", nunk); fflush(stdout); #matrices and arrays Af = zeros(nunk,nunk); # flux matrix Am = zeros(nunk,nunk); # mass matrix bm = zeros(nunk,1); # mass RHS #arrays for diagnostic purposes W0 = zeros(nunk,1); # initial condition (code it!) WN = zeros(nunk,NP/IP); # stored solutions TN = zeros(NP/IP); # times for stored solutions diag = zeros(10,NP); # diagnostics #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #END PROBLEM DEFINITION #BEGIN PRE-PROCESSING STEP #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Assembly: loop over nodes for i=1:N1 for j=1:N2 if (i==1 || i==N1 || j==1 || j==N2) continue; else # viscous matrix pP=ij2n(i,j); pN=ij2n(i,j+1); pE=ij2n(i+1,j); pS=ij2n(i,j-1); pW=ij2n(i-1,j); aux1 = mu/dx^2; aux2 = mu/dy^2; Af(pP,pP) = 2*(aux1+aux2); Af(pP,pN)=-aux2; Af(pP,pS)=-aux2; Af(pP,pE)=-aux1; Af(pP,pW)=-aux1; # mass matrix Am(pP,pP)=rho/dt; bm(pP)=dx*dy; endif endfor endfor #-- Timestepping Matrices: M, R M = Am + theta*Af; R = Am - (1-theta)*Af; #-- Correct M for no-slip boundary conditions for i=1:N1 for j=1:N2 if (i==1 || i==N1 || j==1 || j==N2) pP=ij2n(i,j); M(pP,pP)=1; endif endfor endfor #-- Switch to sparse storage ? flag_sparse = 1; fprintf(stdout, " * CREATING FINAL MATRICES -> flag_sparse = %d\n", flag_sparse); fflush(stdout); if(flag_sparse == 1) M = sparse(M); R = sparse(R); endif #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #END PRE-PROCESSING STEP #BEGIN SOLUTION STEP #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Temporal integration loop nt = 1; np = 0; tn = T0; wn = W0; anorm = 0; fprintf(stdout, " SOLVING ...\n"); exit_flag = 0; while 1 #-- Diagnostics #store 'some' solutions for visualization if rem(nt-1,IP) == 0 np=np+1; TN(np)=tn; WN(:,np)=wn; endif #time(1) diag(1,nt)=tn; #kinetic energy(2) diag(2,nt)=0.5*rho*(bm.*wn)'*wn; #flow rate(3) diag(3,nt)=bm'*wn; #screen output wnorm=norm(wn); fprintf(stdout, "t= %12.5E |w|= %12.5E |a|= %12.5E\n", tn, wnorm, anorm); fflush(stdout); #should exit ? if exit_flag > 0 break; endif #-- Advance in time tm=tn+dt; #assemble RHS aux=-(theta*dpdz(tm)+(1.-theta)*dpdz(tn)); b=R*wn + aux*bm; #solve linear system wm = M\b; #acceleration am = (wm.-wn)/dt; anorm=norm(am); #end of integration ? if nt >= NTS exit_flag = 1; endif #end timestep wn = wm; tn = tm; nt = nt + 1; endwhile #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #END SOLUTION STEP #BEGIN POST-PROCESSING STEP #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Integrals plot(diag(1,:),diag(2,:)) title("Kinetic Energy") pause; figure() plot(diag(1,:),diag(3,:)) title("Flow Rate") pause; figure() #-- Meshgrid: X=zeros(N1,1); X(1)=0; for i=2:N1 X(i)=X(i-1)+dx; endfor Y=zeros(N2,1); Y(1)=0; for j=2:N2 Y(j)=Y(j-1)+dy; endfor #-- Limits xmin=min(X); xmax=max(X); ymin=min(Y); ymax=max(Y); wmin=min(WN(:,np)); wmax=max(WN(:,np)); for i=1:np wmin = min(wmin,min(WN(:,i))); wmax = max(wmax,max(WN(:,i))); endfor #-- Plot Solution for i=1:np U = reshape(WN(:,i),N2,N1); surf(X,Y,U); axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax wmin wmax]); title(sprintf("T=%g",TN(i))) #figure() #contourf(X,Y,U); pause(); endfor #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #END POST-PROCESSING STEP